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August 10, 2024

Closing the Wage Gap
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If you are a woman who wants to negotiate her way a higher salary at work , an expert says you need to change how you think about money. Then, a top attorney talks about the decision to divorce; what factors to consider, is it the right choice for you, and the impact social media is having on divorce rates.
Episode Segments:
Secrets Women Need to Know To Get Paid What They Are Worth
Patty Ann Tublin, PhD, is author of Money Can Buy You Happiness: Secrets Women Need to Know To Get Paid What They Are Worth!. Dr. Tublin outlined ways women can close the gender wage gap and negotiate their true worth at work. She explained why women have a harder time accepting the emotional and financial value of money, and how to change that attitude. She also offered suggestions for women who would like to determine what the appropriate pay range is for a particular job.
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Divorce Demystified
Attorney Henry S. Gornbein author of Divorce Demystified: Everything You Need to Know Before You File for Divorce said next to the death of a loved one, divorce is one of the most traumatic of life’s experiences. He discussed the sometimes complicated steps to take when deciding whether to proceed with a divorce. He talked about the significant ways divorce has changed in recent years, including the surprising influence of social media and changes in child custody arrangements
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Skin Cancer UIpdate
Jerry Brewer, MD, dermatologist and researcher at the Mayo Clinic led a study that found that the risk of developing the most dangerous type of skin cancer is now more than six times higher among young adults than it was 40 years ago. He talked about the likely reasons behind this trend and why women under age 40 may be especially vulnerable.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Patti Ann Tublin
Dr. Patty Ann is an internationally recognized relationship and communication expert. She is a sought-after speaker, author and leading authority to professionals in the field of relationship and communication advice. As a female entrepreneur, corporate consultant and licensed therapist, Dr. Patty Ann has helped hundreds of corporate and entrepreneurial business women learn how to create it all – a highly successful thriving business without having to sacrifice happiness in their marriage and family life. Dr. Patty Ann’s techniques combine professional expertise and personal experiences to help women design healthy, happy relationships for success in business and life.

Dr. Patty Ann has been featured as a relationship and communication expert on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News and the Martha Stewart Radio Show on Sirius XM. She is the Weekly Relationship Expert for 95.9 FOX FM Chaz & AJ in the Morning – CT’s #1 morning radio talk show, and she is featured on other radio shows internationally. She has been published in SUCCESS Magazine, CNN, Fortune Postcards, Fortune, Entrepreneurial Woman Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Lifestyles Magazine and other major publications.

Dr. Patty Ann holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (Summa cum Laude), a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work, a Master’s Degree in Nursing, and she is a Registered Nurse. Dr. Patty Ann is also a board-certified psychotherapist, having graduated from a prestigious three-year post-graduate training program.

Dr. Patty Ann's Website

Henry Gornbein
Henry Gornbein practices in all areas of Michigan family law including divorce, child custody, parenting time, child support, spousal support, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, interstate custody issues, domicile issues, as well as mediation and arbitration of all family law matters. In addition he has a Television show, is associated with “Divorce Source Radio” and writes for the Huffington Post

He has lectured extensively for ICLE, the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan, and numerous other organizations. Mr. Gornbein is a monthly contributor to the Michigan Family Law Journal, with a column entitled, Case of the Issue, and he has also written numerous divorce-related articles for the "Michigan Family Law Journal," "Laches," "Law Practice, the Business of Practicing Law" -- a magazine published by the ABA Law Practice Management Section, and the "Michigan Bar Journal." He is frequently appointed to mediate and arbitrate domestic relations matters. Mr. Gornbein is the founder, owner, and legal editor of the Web site "Divorce Online" (, which is an electronic journal covering numerous family law issues. He is also the creator and host of the award winning cable television show "Practical Law." Visit his office's website here for more information about Mr. Gornbein's practice.

Lippitt O’Keefe Gornbein, PLLC