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December 05, 2020

Successful Women Speak Differently
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Is it talent and experience that makes some women so successful, or is how well they communicate and are understood by other people? An executive coach shares career advice that can help you influence and connect with others. In the last few decades there have been dozens of school shootings. Now research finds a previously hidden factor.
Episode Segments:
Communication in the Workplace
Valerie Burton, is a Certified Personal and Executive Coach, founder of The Coaching and Positive Psychology Institute, and author of Successful Women Speak Differently: 9 Habits That Build Confidence, Courage, and Influence.” Ms. Burton said the most successful women are often not the most talented, the most gifted, or even the most experienced. She believes the knack for communicating is what opens doors and gives women influence in the workplace. She outlined simple techniques women can utilize to be more clearly understood and respected.
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Unemployment Rates and School Shootings
John Hagan, PhD, John D. Macarthur Professor of Sociology and Law, Northwestern University led a study that uncovered a connection between increased unemployment rates and school shootings. He said the findings were consistent across the all regions of the U.S. and that shooters come from all backgrounds and income levels. He offered possible explanations behind this trend.
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Make Your Home Criminal Proof
Jason Hanson is a former CIA officer, security specialist, and author of Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life: A Former CIA Officer Reveals Safety and Survival Techniques to Keep You and Your Family Protected. Mr. Hanson discussed ways to prevent and react to home invasions or abductions. He explained simple steps the average homeowner can take to make a house criminal-proof. He also offered tips on how to stay safe while traveling.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Valorie Burton
A bestselling author and Certified Personal and Executive Coach who has served clients in over 40 states and eight countries, Valorie Burton has written nine books on personal development, including Successful Women Think Differently and Happy Women Live Better. She is the founder of The CaPP Institute, providing tools and training that build resilience, well-being, and productivity for life and work.

She has been a regular contributor on CNN, HLN, and the Today show, where she gives practical career and life advice. She has also been featured in and on The Dr. Oz Show, NPR, Oprah Radio, Ebony, Essence, “O” The Oprah Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, LA Times, and hundreds of others. Valorie’s corporate clientele includes multi-million dollar businesses such as Accenture, Black Entertainment Television (BET), Deloitte, General Mills, McDonalds Corp., and many more.

Valorie's Website