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February 04, 2017

Using Technology to Find a Better Job
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If you are in the job market, technology and social media skills can make all the difference. We have some great advice to share from a career expert. Then- imagine your tap water being so expensive, you can’t afford it. A researcher says some Americans may actually experience this in the near future.
Episode Segments:
Changes in the Job Search Market
Martin Yate is a career and employment expert, and author of Knock 'em Dead 2017: The Ultimate Job Search Guide. Mr. Yate explained why and how technology has fueled rapid changes in the job search market, on nearly a daily basis. He discussed the importance of using and repeating the most effective keywords in resumes. He also talked about the multiple ways that social networking can help to get job interviews and turn them into offers.
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The Rising Cost of Water
Dr. Elizabeth Mack, PhD , Assistant Geography Professor, Michigan State University led a study that found that if water rates continue to rise at projected amounts, the number of U.S. households unable to afford water could triple in five years, to nearly 36 percent. She explained why water rates vary widely across the country. She also discussed the role that aging infrastructure and shrinking populations in major cities have in the cost of water.
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Furniture Accidents
Every 30 minutes, a child in the U.S. is injured from a TV or furniture tip-over incident. Kim Dulic, spokesperson and Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission encouraged consumers to consider how to secure televisions in homes where young children live or visit. She said inexpensive and easy-to-install products are available in order to prevent tip-over tragedies.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Martin Yate
Martin Yate CPC New York Times bestseller Martin Yate is the author of Knock Em Dead – The Ultimate Job Search Guide, now going into its 32nd edition. It is the keystone of a 17-book series, with each book addressing a different aspect of job search and modern career management. Collectively published in some 63 foreign language editions, the Knock Em Dead way is unique in its scope and global acceptance in industrialized nations.With new books and editions added constantly over the last thirty-one years, Mr. Yate’s body of work has gradually evolved into a carefully integrated strategy for navigating the twists and turns of a half-cetury work life.

Born In England, Martin came to America in his early twenties to be a movie star. He failed and went to Silicon Valley instead. The father of two grown sons, he enjoys rock ‘n roll and blues, dancing, kayaking, biking, backgammon, old movies, and collecting art and antiques. He hates gardening but it’s cheaper than the gym, keeps him in shape and out in the fresh air.

With 17 books and two optical patents to his name and as someone who last danced with a professional ballet company at age 55, he is clearly one of those who has turned ADHD into a superpower. Martin is also a recovering alcoholic of some years standing, and exchanging one obsessive compulsion for another; he particularly enjoys collecting prohibition-era cocktail shakers.

Martin's Website