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November 21, 2015

Marijuana's Impact on Teens
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Marijuana Is making headlines, as several states legalize it. But can teenage marijuana use have long-term effects? A recent study had eye-opening results. Then, why do we buy what we buy? You may be surprised by the psychology behind consumer choice.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Marijuana and Teens

Yasmin Hurd, PhD is Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Dr. Hurd’s research found that teenagers who smoke marijuana may make their future offspring more vulnerable to substance abuse problems. She believes that marijuana use causes structural changes in DNA that may last for generations. Dr. Hurd said much more research into the health effects of marijuana is needed. She also explained how parents can deal with the mixed messages society is conveying to young people about marijuana.
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InfoTrak: The Human Brand
Chris Malone, author of THE HUMAN BRAND: How We Relate to People, Products and Companies explains why upstart businesses have surged in popularity while many traditionally dominant companies and brands have been falling behind. He outlined the reasons that social media has become such a valuable tool for both consumers and the companies they do business with. He said business schools fail to teach students how to nurture relationships with customers, causing much less loyalty to brands and products
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InfoTrak: The Impact of Bottled Water

The US is the world’s largest consumer of bottled water. Janet Larson, Director of Research, the Earth Policy Institute talked about the huge environmental impact of bottled water, both in its manufacture and disposal. She also explained how consumers can wisely decide whether to use bottled water.
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