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July 28, 2018

The Confidence Game
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Think you’re way too smart to fall for a fraud or scam? We’ll talk to an expert who says a talented con man can convince anybody that they are the real deal. Then, as parents and teachers struggle to prevent bullying among kids, researchers have found a better way to curb that behavior.
Episode Segments:
The Confidence Game
Maria Konnikova is a journalist, psychologist, and author of The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It . . . Every Time. Ms. Konnikova explained how the world’s most talented con men can so easily use persuasion and exploit trust to swindle even the most cautious consumers. She said human beings are hardwired to believe, no matter how educated they are about scams and ripoffs. She talked about the most common methods used by crooks to lure their victims in.
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Students Against Bullying
Curbing bullying has long been a focal point for parents and schools, but Elizabeth Levy Paluck, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University found that the answer may not lie within rules set by adults. Her team of researchers from Princeton, Rutgers and Yale found that students themselves, particularly those most connected to their peers, were able to reduce and resolve conflicts 30% more effectively than traditional methods used by adults.
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Inventions that Changed the World
Alex Hutchinson, PhD, contributing editor at Popular Mechanics magazine, author of Big Ideas: 100 Modern Inventions That Transformed Our World Mr. Hutchinson consulted 25 experts at 17 museums and universities to determine the 100 greatest inventions of the modern era. He talked about the long-term trends of scientific research and government’s role in it.
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