Many young people dream of becoming teachers. Buck a shockingly high number of new teachers burn out in a few years and find a new career. We discuss the trend with an award-winning educator, Then, it's a profession most people dread dealing with, but must at some point in their lives. An expert tells how to clean it up and make it better,
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Teacher Burnout Dara Feldman is an award-winning teacher, Director of Educational Initiatives for The Virtues
Project, and author of The Heart of Education. Ms. Feldman noted that 50 percent of new teachers get burned out in their first five years on the job and end up leaving the profession. She explained why this is such a costly problem and how it damages our nation’s education system. She offered suggestions for concerned parents who would like to help and encourage stressed-out teachers.
InfoTrak: Fixing the Legal Profession Former law professor . Sheldon Krantz, author of The Legal Profession: What Is Wrong and How to Fix It said legal services should be available to every American, whether they can afford it or not. He said attorneys do not provide nearly enough pro bono services. He said many of today’s law students would be willing to work in the public interest, but are often mired down in student debt. He would like to see loan forgiveness programs or other new initiatives that would enable young lawyers to help lower-income litigants.
InfoTrak: Cheerleading Dangers Brenda Shields, M.S., research coordinator, Center for Injury Research and Policy, Columbus Children's Hospital in Ohio discussed a recent study into the increasing dangers for young people involved in cheerleading. Her research found that emergency room visits are becoming much more common as cheerleading routines have added complex gymnastic moves. She outlined the questions thatparents should ask, to be sure coaches are properly qualified.