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March 09, 2024

Are You Honest with Your Doctor?
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How honest are you with your doctor? Over half of patients in a recent study say they don’t share key information with their physician. A research scientist says withholding those facts may be risky. Then, an expert says mothers in America who experienced sexual abuse in childhood may find the trauma affects them as parents.
Episode Segments:
Withholding Info from Your Doc
How honest are you with your doctor? Over half of patients in a recent study say they don’t share key information with their physician. A research scientist says withholding those facts may be risky. Then, an expert says mothers in America who experienced sexual abuse in childhood may find the trauma affects them as parents.
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Women Who Were Sexually Abused As Children
Teresa Gil, PhD, psychotherapist , author of Women Who Were Sexually Abused As Children: Mothering, Resilience and Protecting the Next Generation estimates that there are approximately 21 million mothers in America who experienced childhood sexual abuse. She discussed how that trauma may affect their own parenting. She talked about the value of strong mother-daughter relationships, spiritual beliefs, and therapy in coping.
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Commercials for High Sugar Cereals
Advertising works, and Dr Jennifer Emond’s study found that kids who were exposed to TV ads for high-sugar cereals were more likely to subsequently eat the cereals they had seen advertised. She talked about the effect this may have on diet quality and childhood obesity, and offered suggestions to parents on how to maintain control of TV watching, particularly for small children.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Theresa Gil
Teresa Gil, Ph.D. has worked for over 25 years as a psychotherapist, professor, and trainer. In her private practice, she works with women, children, and families dealing with recovery from child abuse and trauma. She is a also a professor of psychology, and teaches courses in social work and sociology as well. Gil works as a trainer and consultant in human service settings and has facilitated workshops on therapeutic issues including communication, parenting skills, and family relations. She is also the author of Women Who Were Sexually Abused as Children: Mothering, Resilience, and Protecting the Next Generation.

Women Who Were Sexually Abused as Children Mothering, Resilience, and Protecting the Next Generation