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January 07, 2018

Screen Time and Depression
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Can too much screen time be deadly? Research shows nearly half of teens who logged lots of daily screen time have suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Then, millions of Americans are struggling with debt. A finance expert shares advice at getting out of debt and has ways your family can generate some extra income.
Episode Segments:
The Mental Health Risks of Screen Time
John Huber, PhD, Clinical Forensic Psychologist, Chairman of Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit organization that treats mental health issues discussed research that has found that nearly half of teens who log at least five hours of screen time a day have thought about or attempted suicide. He discussed that concern and other mental health risks that result from too much time online. He offered advice for parents who would like to monitor and limit their teens’ social media and screen time.
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Get Debt Free
Alex Michael, personal finance expert, co-founder of the blog, and co-author of The 2% Rule to Get Debt Free Fast explained how he and his wife managed to eliminate more than $100,000 in consumer debt with a few years. He offered suggestions on how to make cuts in family budgets and how find opportunities to increase monthly income.
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Disabilities and Getting Arrested
Erin McCauley, doctoral candidate in policy analysis and management, Cornell University was the lead author of a study that found that people with disabilities are more likely to be arrested. She said people with disabilities in the study – including emotional, physical, cognitive or sensory disabilities – were nearly 44 percent more likely to be arrested by age 28. She also noted that there was a clear racial component: black men with disabilities in the study were at a particularly high risk of arrest. She believes the problem should be addressed by community members and local institutions, such as police.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
John Huber
Dr. John Huber is a mental health professional and university professor that has been in mental health for over twenty years. His experience began as a School Psychologist.

Today, he is in private practice as a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals. In addition, he is a professor and teaches undergraduate and graduate psychology at Texas State University.

Mainstream Mental Health

Alex Michael
Alex and his wife Cassie haven't always been good with money. In fact, they had to get a loan to check out of the hotel on their honeymoon, thus starting (or continuing) a life of spending past their means until they were in over $108K of consumer debt. On a special Mother’s Day morning all that changed when they found themselves expecting their first child, years after struggling with infertility. At that point, they knew something had to change. It was then they started their journey towards debt freedom, starting with those popular ‘crash diet’ approaches that just didn’t work for them because the process was unrealistic and not sustainable. They kept falling off the wagon and wound up paying off just $15K in 3.5 painful years. They found a better way – one that has become known as the 2% Rule that they used to pay off over $90K in a short amount of time. A plan that unbelievably uses small, gradual change to add up to HUGE change quickly – and resulted in them paying off more than they could imagine in a short amount of time. Their passion to help others to encourage them through the difficult times that Alex and Cassie know themselves are what drove them to write their book and create the supplemental workbook. They can be found continuing to write and help others at where they provide their time and willingness to help others with any question they might have. That "child that saved them financially" has grown to be a teenager and they have had a few other children thrown into the mix. Their house is busy but happy as they continue to reside just west of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Alex can be found running in various races and Cassie loves to keep dreaming of their next venture.

The Thrifty