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January 04, 2014

Raising Smart Kids
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This week’s episode is a special look at children and parenting. First, millions of parents are using the television as their child’s babysitter. But the result may be kids who struggle later in life. Then, a well informed child is a safe child. What should you tell your child about school shootings and other racts of violence? We talk with an expert for some answers.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Raising Smart Kids

Childhood development expert Marlene Targ Brill, author of Raising Smart Kids for Dummies talks about simple steps that parents can take to raise well-rounded kids and help them to become academic achievers.
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InfoTrak: The School Shooting Epidemic
Ken Druck, PhD, is a psychologist and founder of the Families Helping Families program. He has worked with families at Columbine and Santana High Schools and at other sites of tragedy Dr. Druck talked about the ongoing epidemic of school shootings and other violence, and its possible causes. He also discussed the safety issues every parent needs to discuss with their children and how to do it.
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InfoTrak: Video Game Ratings
Professor Kimberly Thompson and Doctoral student Kevin Hanniger discussed their study that found that 48 percent of video games rated for teenagers have more sex, violence, substance abuse and gambling than is described on the game box. They gave tips for concerned parents on how to make sure the game their teen is buying is within the boundaries parents set.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Marlene Targ Brill
Marlene Targ Brill has been creating children's books for many years. She started writing while teaching children with disabilities, producing materials to help her students learn. With time, the desire to write grew stronger. Soon she was writing for a variety of formats- magazines, newspapers, newsletters, videotape, and textbooks-developing materials for readers of all ages. Today, Marlene is author of more than 65 books for children and adults. She has received several honors for writing and is included in vols. 77 and 124 of Something About the Author. Yet, she never forgets where her first dream of writing originated-through her work with children. Just as Marlene was drawn into writing, she is now drawn back into the classroom. This time, she tells kids and adults about the wonders of research, writing, and of course, books.

Marlene's Website

Ken Druck
en Druck, Ph.D. has earned countless accolades as an author, speaker, organizational consultant and coach, master facilitator, parent educator and community leader over the past 35 years. He is the recipient of many honors and awards, including “Distinguished Contribution to Psychology,” “Family Advocate of the Year” and “Visionary Leadership” for his innovative body of work with individuals, the community and our nation. Although Ken’s distinguished career began in clinical psychology where he earned his doctorate over 35 years ago, he has since then moved his endeavors to personal coaching and corporate consulting. Ken has also founded a variety of community-based organizations to address the needs of its members. Most recently, he co-founded the Community Editorial Board of the San Diego Union-Tribune. Ken has published voluminously, including popular books like The Secrets Men Keep and How to Talk to Your Kids and spoken-word CD’s such as “Healing Your Life After the Loss of a Loved One.” Ken’s latest book is The Real Rules of Life: Balancing Life’s Terms with Your Own (Hay House).

Dr. Druck's Website