There are millions of Americans age 85 or older, and a select few have extraordinary memory. Why are these so-called super agers sharp as a tack? Then, American students are well behind the education levels of other countries. What are the reasons, and what can be done to improve things?
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Super Agers Neuroscientist Dr. Emily Rogalski is in the early stages of a study of “SuperAgers” — men and women who are in their 80s and 90s, but with brains and memories that seem far younger. She explained what has been learned so far from these exceptional seniors, and what she hopes to discover as the study progresses. She said the research may eventually find ways to help protect others from memory loss.
InfoTrak: The Smartest Kids in the World Over the past fifty years, math and science skills have remained largely flat in the US, while soaring in Canada, Finland and many other developed countries. Amanda Ripley, investigative journalist, and author of The Smartest Kids in the World--and How They Got That Way explained why some new “education superpower” countries have rapidly improved test scores, and how their policies differ from the US. She said teachers’ college programs in the US should become much more selective, only accepting top students.
InfoTrak: Expiration Dates Dana Gunders, Project Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council's Food and Agriculture program in San Francisco recently co-led a study with Harvard researchers that concluded that dates printed on packaged foods often confuse consumers, leading many to throw out food before it actually goes bad. She said the dates are intended to indicate freshness rather than whether a product is unsafe to eat. She would like to see new government regulations that would standardize food labeling and make it less confusing for consumers.