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July 19, 2014

Facts About Food Allergies
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Allergies in today’s kids are on the rise, especially food allergies. But why? We’ll examine a new study with surprising results. Then, most people would agree that there are things in the world they would like to change. We talk to an expert who says we can change the world in as little as five minutes a day.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Food Allergies

Dr. Ruchi Gupta was the lead author of a study that found that children in urban areas have much higher rates of food allergies than those in rural America. Her research found that city kids also are allergic to different foods than rural kids. She talked about the theories as to why population density and environment may have such a large impact. She offered advice to parents who have a child with food allergies. She also discussed the reasons why people often do not treat allergies as the life-threatening conditions they are.
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InfoTrak: Volunteerism

44 percent of adults volunteer, and many others would consider it, if they thought they had the time and skills needed. Tammi DeVille, author of Changing the World on a Tuesday Night said that ordinary people can make a difference by volunteering as little as five minutes a day. She offered examples of opportunities to contribute time, often online, to non-profit organizations in their own community or across the globe.
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InfoTrak: Cybercrime via WiFi

Free Internet wi-fi access is everywhere these days--and so are computer hackers. Cybercrime Expert Bruce Anderson talked about the dangers of using public Internet connections, what the riskiest locations are, and how the average computer user can protect himself.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ruchi Gupta
Ruchi Gupta, M.D., M.P.H, is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and a health services researcher at Northwestern University and Children’s Memorial Hospital. Dr. Gupta has significant interest and experience with community-based research. Her research and clinical interests include childhood food allergy and childhood asthma. Dr. Gupta has more than 25 first-authored peer-reviewed publications and grant support through the Food Allergy Initiative, the National Children's Study and the Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholars award.

Tammi DeVille
Tammi DeVille is a serial entrepreneur, an actual Jackie-of-all-trades and the kind of person who gets things done. She's hiked hot lava in Hawaii, climbed mountains in Colorado, survived sprint triathlons, fallen in love with yoga and if there is something fun happening somewhere, she generally knows about it and has a ticket. In her volunteering life she's delivered food to the homeless, hired employees for non-profits, organized events and marketing projects, been a mentor and court appointed special advocate, facilitated a writer's group, helped students from Cyprus learn about leadership, created a game night fundraiser, helped facilitate intense diversity training in junior high schools, and passed out water and protein bars to runners. She noticed that everyone who heard about her volunteering adventures had the same basic set of reactions “It's so great that you do that.”, “I should be doing something like that.” or “I would love to do some volunteering.” The problem, she concluded, was not that people didn't want to help. It was that they just didn't quite see how they could. They would also say, “My life is just too busy right now.” and /or “I don't know where to find opportunities I'd be interested in.” And being a 'get things done' kind of person, she set out to do something about it. A book, profiling some actual busy people who do amazing things to change the world. Tammi spent 2 ½ years hunting down interesting volunteers with interesting projects. She found 32 different photographers who saw the chance to make a difference too and got the pictures. Today, she's the author of a book, really the manager of a project and a voice for volunteering. But mostly, she's someone who knows what a difference a few hours can make in the world and in your own life. Tammi's current “Tuesday Nights” take place on Monday mornings when she has a video-conference call with a 13 year old boy named Clarence who lives in South Africa, through the Infinite Family mentor program. She also does actually spend her literal Tuesday nights working with Art from Ashes, on everything from database projects to making custom holiday cards to thank donors in style. Tammi lives in Denver Colorado,

Tammi's website