Wednesday • February 12
CST 4:49 | EST 5:49 | MST 3:49 | PST 2:49 | GMT 10:49
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Making Your Relationship Rock Solid
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This week, Rene speaks with Norene Gonsiewski, MSC, LCSW, Certified Imago Therapist from the Portland Relationship Center. She has been helping couples create healthier relationships for over 35 years. She will discuss some of the traps and patterns couples get in to that can cause relationships to strain, and things you can do to get back to the courtship stage.
Episode Segments:
Heaven Sent and Bent: Norene Gonsiewski
Norene Gonsiewski, MSW, writes in her book Rock Solid Relationship, “A sadder truth is that, even if our parents or friends had told us to expect a phase of mounting challenges, and to hang in there and work on the relationship, we wouldn’t have believed them. Romantic love is designed with high hopes—and blinders! Also, the conflicts of the relationship challenge phase provide opportunities for growth, and growth is often uncomfortable. We all love the honeymoon phase. The second phase, not so much!” Norene talks with science to back up her teachings. She explains how we are hard wired to fall in love and why they say, “Love is Blind”. When those blinders are taken off…whew, it can knock a relationship down faster than one of Muhammad Ali’s famous jabs!
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Norene Gonsiewski
Some therapists immediately advise couples that their ailing relationship cannot be saved. If you will come in and let me help, you are likely to be surprised with the positive results. My experience as a therapist of three decades and married for 30 years, is that no relationship is beyond repair when the couple is willing to get the help they need.

Since 1980 I have seen thousands of individuals and couples seeking to have happier moods and healthier relationships. I specialize in relationships because success at relating to others is key to our well-being. Moods and relating are intertwined. Depression and anxiety can cause isolation and isolation causes us to feel depressed or anxious. I can teach you cognitive tools that will transform your mood and communication tools that will help you to form lasting and successful relationships.

In my long career I have developed expertise in helping to heal from the pain and damages of infidelity. Recovering from an affair may be the hardest work you have ever done and yet, the most rewarding. If infidelity has hurt your marriage, let me help you to navigate the confusion of recovery so that you can reap the benefits of rebuilding your relationship.

Being the parent of a chronically ill child myself, I know that the stress from illness in the family damages your physical and emotional health as well as your marriage. I know firsthand how important it is to take care of yourself and your relationship so that you can bring your best to your family and their challenges. I can help you to face adversity, to grow from your struggles and to become closer to those you love.

In addition to treating individuals with a variety of issues, I specialize in helping single people who want to understand the root cause of their relationship struggles and to develop new relationship skills. I lead workshops and groups designed to heal childhood wounds, resolve past relationship issues and create a plan for change.

Portland Relationship center