Tuesday • February 11
CST 3:56 | EST 4:56 | MST 2:56 | PST 1:56 | GMT 21:56
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Conscious BEING
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Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?How can I live peacefully? These are universal questions that most of us ponder no matter our gender, race, age or societal status. Author TJ Woodward opens a door to the dialogue of such ideas in his book Concious BEING.
Episode Segments:
Don't Box Me In: TJ Woodward
TJ experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening in 2006 that radically changed his relationship to reality. As a result of this enlightenment experience, he is able assist others in directly accessing a state of being filled with love, presence and oneness.

Through his simple, yet insighful teachings, he encourages integration of higher consciousness into everyday living.
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Conscious BEING
Both inspiring and enlightening, Conscious BEING is a compelling resource for those seeking self-realization. It serves as a guide for awakened living, which is a state of higher clarity and presence, and is a more natural condition than many are aware exists within each of us.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
TJ Woodward
TJ Woodward is a spiritual author, inspirational speaker, awakening coach and addiction counselor who has helped countless people through his simple, yet powerful teachings. ​

He is the founding spiritual director of Awakened Living in San Francisco, and is in private practice as a spiritual counselor and awakening coach. TJ also works as the spiritual counselor and group facilitator at Foundations San Francisco Intensive Outpatient treatment program. In addition, he is the host of Awakened Living TV and Awakened Living Radio. ​

TJ Woodward is the author of the book, Conscious BEING: Awakening to Your True Nature

TJ's Website