Monday • January 20
CST 12:43 | EST 1:43 | MST 11:43 | PST 10:43 | GMT 18:43
Other Non-Flash Media Players
Fight Fear and Foster Faith
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Jana Flaig a Stage 3c ovarian cancer survivor whose greatest battle was against fear that overwhelmed her and threatened to defeat her. She won that battle, and now she's sharing practical tips to knock out fear that overwhelms you, robs you of hope, attacks your faith, and threatens to defeat you.
Episode Segments:
Don't Box Me In: Jana Flaig

Jana shares her story of surviving cancer using humor, a positive attitude and faith. She inspires and encourages others who face difficult circumstances to never give up.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Jana Flaig
AUTHOR/SPEAKER/INSPIRATIONAL HUMORIST, member of the Christian Comedy Association who brings encouragement wrapped in humor to conferences, women's retreats, corporate events, cancer organizations events. She engages her audiences with comedy, storytelling, demonstration and inventive visuals and props that create a fun, upbeat and memorable program. She has two released DVDs: who put the elephant in my stocking? and Been There -- Got The Wig!(R). Jana's an ovarian cancer survivor and Founder of the Been There - Got The Wig!® Breakfast Club & Ministry, a positive faith-based support network for women undergoing cancer treatment, who shares her story of challenging her battle with fear using humor, a positive attitude and faith to inspire others to never give up! She provides practical tips to knock out fear that can discourage us, diminish our faith, rob us of hope, and threaten to defeat us as we go through difficult times or a hardship. Former TV News On-Air Reporter in Los Angeles, College Professor of Broadcasting Arts and Speech Communication. Media Trainer

Jana's Website