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November 17, 2014

How to Knock Out Fear of Public Speaking
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Diane DiResta is a media trainer, speech coach, and certified speech pathologist who works with executives in Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, and sports figures, to get them communicating with clarity and precision. She trains business people to communicate with greater impact in the marketplace and coaches leaders to project their power to influence in order to achieve the result they want. She’s also the author of the best-selling guide to public speaking and communicating from the platform, Knockout Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message With Power, Punch, and Pizzazz. She has coached and consulted a vast number and range of clients, including executives at AT&T, Chase Manhattan Bank, Warner Bros., the US Army, the NBA, Merck, and IBM.
Episode Segments:
Corporate Talk: Diane DiResta

Diane DiResta is a workplace communications/public speaking expert, author of Knockout Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message With Power, Punch, and Pizzazz, and President of DiResta Communications, Inc.

Knockout Presentations is the indispensable guide to delivering your message with clarity and confidence. With hundreds of tips to improve your communication style in your personal and professional life, this book contains the valuable information that readers can use every day on the road to success.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Diane DiResta
Diane’s a licensed speech pathologist with a Masters Degree from Columbia University and a graduate of the Coach University. Her expertise has made her a much-requested speaker at many national and international organizations. In 1993, she was invited by the Alliance for American and Russian Women, to speak to Russian women in Moscow and St. Petersburg about “Selling to the American Market.” In 2003, Diane spoke to 100 women leaders of NGOs in Tanzania, on the topics of media training and public speaking skills. Over the years, Diane has been an innovative player in the field of communications training. In 1991, she became one of the earliest trainers to use long-distance learning in delivering training seminars. She pioneered the first listening skills classes for NYU’s Continuing Education Department.

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