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November 20, 2016

JFK- The Anniversary of America’s Greatest Conspiracy
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Richard welcomes a published author who draws startling new conclusions into why President JFK had to be eliminated. Then, it’s your chance to Ask Richard Anything, as we open the phone lines to Conspiracy Show listeners. Now is your chance to have your voice heard!
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: JFK Anniversary
Richard welcomes Donald Jefferies, a published author who draws startling new conclusions into why President JFK had to be eliminated. A generation after his passing we see a United States where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. JFK's Civil Rights Movement would have leveled the playing field for all citizens, had it come to fruition. Consolidation of wealth put power into the hands of the Globalists. Unimaginable salaries and bonuses for the One Percent, contrasted by layoffs and reduced pay for the majority of the workforce, along with increasing calls for austerity measures and lowered standards of living. More and more people are starting to understand that the system is rigged against them. Welcome to the "New Normal" in America.
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The Conspiracy Show: Open Lines with Richard
Ask Richard Anything! Think you know who shot JFK?, What the Globalists discussed at the Bilderberg Meeting?, What lines the Puppet- elect will be reading off the teleprompter next? Have a story you wish to share Live-On-Air? Now is your chance to have your voice heard. One full hour of Open Lines. Call Now!
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Donald Jefferies
DONALD JEFFRIES has been researching the JFK assassination since the mid-1970s, when he was a teenage volunteer for Mark Lane's Citizens Committee of Inquiry.

He is very active on all the JFK assassination forums, and has been a moderator on the London Spartacus Education Forum for several years. His first published book, the acclaimed 2007 novel The Unreals, has been compared to Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz. Hidden History is his first nonfiction book.

All New Book SURVIVAL OF THE RICHEST is available for purchase after the jump! The author scrutinizes how the collective wealth of America has been channeled from the poor and middle class into the hands of a few elitists. How the Corruption of the Marketplace and the Disparity of Wealth Created the Greatest Conspiracy of All.

Donald's Blog