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October 16, 2016

Marilyn Confidential
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Author Paul Davids has uncovered new information about the life and death of Hollywood Icon Marilyn Monroe. He joins Richard to discuss his findings. Then- could the upcoming Presidential election be rigged as Donald Trump is claiming? Richard and political commentator Megan Barth explore the possibilities.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Marilyn Confidential
Richard welcomes Paul Davids to the program. Paul is a major hollywood director, published author and accomplished visual artist. They will discuss the life and death of Hollywood's most iconic blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe. Paul has researched the newly declassified FBI and CIA files and draws startling new conclusions. What if her cause of death was not an apparent suicide? But clues left behind in her files reveal a dark side to Hollywood with connections to wealthy and powerful men who have motive to murder those who know too much.
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The Conspiracy Show: Rigged Elections
Megan Barth is the founder and proprietor of . She joins Richard to discuss Election and Voter Fraud. From Whitewater to Travelgate, Chinagate, Monicagate, Vince Foster, Filegate, Cattle Futures, Bosnia, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation, how else could the corrupt Bill and Hillary Clinton be one election away from sleeping in the White House again? Donald Trump has rightly called for poll watchers in every state. Hear what you can do to ensure a fair election and return integrity back into the system.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Megan Barth
MEGAN BARTH is the founder and proprietor of and a nationally recognized political commentator. She has appeared on Headline News CNN, NewsMax TV, One America News Network, America Trends with Dr. Gina, The Blaze Radio, and has regular weekly appearances on a variety of nationally syndicated radio shows.


Paul Davids

Paul Davids is a graduate of Princeton University, where he majored in psychology and won numerous awards in writing. He then attended the American Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies in Beverly Hills. He is married to Hollace Davids, who is Senior Vice-President of Special Projects for Universal Pictures and who has produced several of his films.

After a few years working as a script analyst for Hollywood agent Paul Kohner (where he read all the submissions for Charles Bronson, John Huston and even William Wyler), his career in film and television took off when he got his first break as production coordinator (and a writer) of the original TRANSFORMERS TV show for Marvel Productions. He co-wrote (with Hollace Davids) THE FIRES OF PELE: MARK TWAINS LEGENDARY LOST JOURNAL and the husband and wife team co-wrote six STAR WARS sequel novels for Lucasfilm and Bantam books, including the award-winning MISSION FROM MOUNT YODA plus THE GLOVE OF DARTH VADER, THE LOST CITY OF THE JEDI, ZORBA THE HUTTS REVENGE, QUEEN OF THE EMPIRE and PROPHETS OF THE DARK SIDE. The books sold millions of copies and were published in many languages.