Thursday • September 19
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September 30, 2018

Fire in Nature
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Richard welcomes a fire management activist who warns of catastrophic fires that can consume everything in their wake with the power of multiple atomic bombs. There is a very high probability of terrorist wildfire attacks in the United States, and around the globe in the next few years, but is anybody listening?
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Fire in Nature
Ed Komarek is a fire management activist who warns of catastrophic fires that consume everything in their wake with the power of multiple atomic bombs. He warned that unless something was done, parks like Yellowstone could burn to the ground by catastrophic fire. That is exactly what is happening. Are terrorist wildfire attacks next?
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The Conspiracy Show: Fire in Nature Part 2
Richard continues the discussion with the activist Ed Komarek focusing on the real issue- the buildup of forest fuels due to fire suppression in light fire ecosystems. They will also discuss solutions to the problem from wildfire mitigation efforts to ecosystem rebuilding.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ed Komarek
ED KOMAREK lives a simple quiet life dedicated to an understanding of himself and the nature of life and living. He suspects that life as we know it is a high tech nano virtual reality program. He believes that we are eternal beings existing in a greater immaterial universe of which the material world is a subset. We enter into a body in order to experence from the inside this virtual reality field. This virtual reality program acts as a school where one chooses moment by moment lessons to be learned mostly on a unconscious basis. The determining factor is to become aware of the unconscious choices we make so as to exercise our free will. We have free will but it is up to us to exercise that free will and take responsibility for our thoughts and actions.

Ed's Blog