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September 27, 2015

Extinction Level Events
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Richard welcomes a Astrophysicist who is the Chief Scientist and Director of the Center for Planetary Science to discuss potential extinction level events and alternative three- the colonization of Mars to support human civilization. Plus - Diane Tressman discusses the alien agenda - how do they choose who to make contact with?
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Extinction Level Events
Antonio Paris is an Astrophysicist who is the Chief Scientist and Director of the Center for Planetary Science. He joins Richard to discuss potential extinction level events and if Mars could be used as a colony to ensure the survival of the human race
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The Conspiracy Show: UFO Agenda
Diane Tressman is the former State Section Director for Florida MUFON who is also a contactee and published author as well as a field investigator for the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO). She will discuss startling truths about the alien agenda. Why are some people chosen for contact? Are the visitors from far-flung otherworlds, or quantum projections of our own mysterious consciousness? Or are they somehow connected to ghosts and the paranormal?
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Antonio Paris
ANTONIO PARIS is a Professor of Astronomy at St. Petersburg College and the Director of Planetarium and Space Programs at the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa, FL.

His course centers on a survey of astronomy and an introduction to the characteristics, origin and evolution of the solar system, galaxies, and the Universe. Additionally, he incorporates ancient astronomy, cosmology, astrophysics, interstellar travel and the search for life in the Universe into his lectures. Prof. Paris, moreover, is the Chief Scientist at the Center for Planetary Science - a science outreach program promoting astronomy, planetary science, and astrophysics to the next generation of space explorers. He has a Master's of Science in Planetary Science from the American Public University and was awarded a Bronze Star Medal for Valor while serving as a US Army Intelligence Officer in Iraq.

Prof. Paris' latest publication is The Physiological & Psychological Aspects of Sending Humans to Mars, published in the Washington Academy of Sciences in 2015. His research centers on the implications of prolonged spaceflight, which include radiation, the cardiovascular system in space and long-term nutritional concerns in a microgravity environment.

He is the author of two books, Aerial Phenomena (ISBN 1467549274) and Space Science (ISBN 1495101037). Additionally, he is the director and producer for the documentaries Area 51: A History of this Reclusive Base (2012) and Skinwalker (2014). He has appeared in dozens of radio shows, webcasts, and the TV shows Unsealed and Close Encounters.

On his spare time, Antonio enjoys hunting, SCUBA diving, rock climbing, mountaineering, and sailing.

The Center for Planetary Science

Diane Tessman
DIANE TESSMAN has counseled abductees and contactees for over 30 years. She draws on her own experiences in childhood as well as the ongoing contact throughout her life. Tibus (whom she encountered in her childhood experiences) and Diane share consciousness and so can offer unique help to star seeds and contactees. Over the years, thousands of people have turned to Tibus for guidance. Diane's encounters totally changed her life – and she has no regrets. She has physical evidence from those encounters which is undeniable. The certainty that “we are not alone” has motivated Diane for many years.

While teaching school for 11 years, Diane was State Section Director for Florida MUFON in the late 1970's, and also a field investigator for the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO). In 1980, Diane underwent hypnotic regression with Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, and remembered one of several childhood encounters with a being named Tibus. One encounter was aboard what appeared to be a starship (UFO). Another encounter was in a cabin on Eagle Lake, Ontario. A membrane was taken from Diane on one of those encounters. Diane’s teaching experience was for 5 years, 1st grade, in the U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Thomas), and 6 years English as a Second Language and 1st grade, in St. Petersburg, Florida. After moving to California, Diane began a monthly newsletter called The Star Network Heartline; this monthly newsletter is still thriving and has many of the original subscribers. In 1990, Diane began The Change Times Quarterly while living in Amsterdam. Both of these newsletters are available in “e” form from Diane’s website.

Tibus, Diane's star guardian, has been accurate on an amazing number of predictions over the years. For 5 years in the early 1990s, Diane lived in the Irish countryside of County Kilkenny and studied Celt shamanism. Diane also lived near Giant Rock, in the High Desert of California for two years of research and contact there, 1995-1997. This was where George van Tassel met the ETs with crowds of people cheering. Diane now lives in North Iowa, where her childhood encounters took place, and maintains The Star Network Animal Sanctuary on ten acres for feral, abandoned or abused dogs and cats. Diane’s Star Network Sanctuary currently has over 65 cats who enjoy a safe, healthy, well fed home. Donations are welcomed. Diane believes that the primary purpose of our UFO visitors is to nudge humankind along so as to achieve a higher level of consciousness. Humans are about to take a step forward in evolution and become a new species which Tibus calls Homo cosmos. Disclosure, UFO landings, and face to face contact with UFO occupants will happen!

Earth Change Predictions