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August 25, 2012

The Freemasons
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Richard welcomes a retired pastor who argues that hidden within the world's oldest and largest fraternity is a satanic cult. Then, a professor of death studies shares her near-death experiences.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: What You Need to Know About the Freemasons

Ed Decker is a retired pastor, broadcaster and author of The Dark Side of Freemasonry; and What You Need to Know About the Masons. He argues that hidden within the world's oldest and largest fraternity, Freemasonry, is a satanic cult, the architects of a New World Order.
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The Conspiracy Show: The Near Death Experience

Dr. Lani Leary is a psychotherapist and professor of death studies who will discuss her work with the chronically ill, dying and bereaved clients. She'll reveal details of her own Near Death Experience and share the lessons she's learned from her clients NDEs as well as the value of after-death communication.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ed Decker
Ed Decker, founder of Saints Alive, was a Mormon for 20 years of his adult life. He was a member of the Melchizedek priesthood, a Temple Mormon and active in many church positions. Through a crisis in his life, Ed met the real Jesus and his life was changed forever. An active author, speaker and evangelist, Ed has brought the light of Biblical truth to uncountable thousands of those lost in spiritual darkness. Today, the work of Saints Alive Ministries has expanded worldwide and includes ministry to other groups such as the Masonic Lodge.

Ed's Website - Saints Alive in Jesus

Lani Leary
Lani Leary, Ph.D. specializes in work with chronically ill, dying, and bereaved clients. She has worked for the past 25 years as a psychotherapist in private practice, as a chaplain in the intensive care unit of a hospital, and as a counselor in 6 hospices across the country. She served as the director of mental health services at an AIDS clinic, as a professor of Death Studies at George Mason University, and as a researcher at the National Cancer Institute of NIH. Lani has spoken nationally at over 250 conferences including the American Holistic Medical Association, Virginia Association of Hospices, Spirituality and Healthcare, International Sudden Infant Death Symposium, and Omega Institute of Holistic Studies. She is the author of Healing Hands, an internationally best-selling audio tape about therapeutic touch and complimentary approaches to pain management. She is certified in grief therapy, EMDR, hypnotherapy, and Critical Incident Stress Management. Her book, No One Has To Die Alone: Preparing for a Meaningful Death, was released in April 2012 by Simon & Schuster Publishing Co.

Dr. Leary's Website