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August 11, 2013

The Solar Storm
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reports of an impending massive solar storm expected to impact Earth. Then, we talk with a leading paranormal investigator to discuss the phenomenon known as 'Black-Eyed Kids," or BEKs.

Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Something Wicked this Way Comes

Paranoia Magazine publisher Ron Patton warns of reports of an impending massive solar storm expected to impact Earth. Such a solar storm could cause an " EMP so big it could knock out power grids across North America for years. Such a power disruption would likely cause a complete economic collapse, a long-term interruption in delivery of health-care, food supplies, and all social services. It would also likely lead to a widespread civil unrest. According to some reports the Earth narrowly averted just such a solar storm at the end of July, but many experts believe it's only a matter of when, not if, we are impacted by such an event.
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The Conspiracy Show: Black Eyed Kids

Paranormal investigator Rosemary Ellen Guiley discusses the phenomenon known as 'Black-Eyed Kids," or BEKs. These cases involve reports of children who approach individuals and ask for random favors or help. These kids are reported to look normal in appearance except for their solid black eyes. No sclera, cornea or iris are visible. Just solid black. The mannerisms that these children show upon encounter are not like any you would observe in children in that age group. Usually witnesses say that these children appear to be in a trance-like state. They can be described as lethargic, catatonic, forceful and even demanding and insistent in getting you to do what they ask.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ron Patton
Ron Patton became publisher of Paranoia Magazine in 2012 and revived the publication from dormancy. He is a conspiracy researcher and writer having written articles for Paranoia Magazine on CIA mind control (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control), and, the historical and spiritual implications of the UFO/alien phenomenon (Demon’s in Alien’s Clothing). He published a newsletter from 1994-2000, Endure to the End, which exposed tangent movements and erroneous doctrines within contemporary Christianity. Ron also published a magazine in 2003 titled, Mkzine, an examination of coercive mind control, invasive human experimentation and other related abuses. In 2005, Mr. Patton was featured in a controversial film documentary titled, XXXExpose, about horrific incidents of abuse and torture of women in a BDSM porn cult. He provided vital information in showing how the leader was using coercive mind control techniques, similar to those used in the CIA’s MKULTRA behavior modification program from the 1950′s to 1970′s. In October 2010, Ron was invited as a panel member at the Child Advocacy Summit on Mind Control and Ritual Abuse in Ogden, UT. From 2005-2011, Patton produced Conspirazine, a conspiracy show played on community access radio stations in Olympia, WA.

Paranoia Magazine Website