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July 29, 2018

One Small Town
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Richard welcomes the founder of the UBUNTU Liberation Movement, which offers a blueprint for human prosperity and helps expose the Global Banking Fraud. Then, a visit with paranormal investigator Dave Spinks, who has investigated some of the most notoriously reportedly haunted locations the globe.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: One Small Town
Richard welcomes Michael Tellenger, the founder of the UBUNTU Liberation Movement, which offers a blueprint for human prosperity and helps expose the Global Banking Fraud. Their strategy is a simple plan of action, on how ONE SMALL TOWN can change the World into a place of abundance and prosperity, where anything we imagine is possible.
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The Conspiracy Show: Real Supernatural
Richard is joined by Dave Spinks, one of the featured speakers who will appear at the Hill-Con Paranormal Convention 2018. He provides boots on the ground, real paranormal field investigations. And he has produced numerous DVDs documenting his encounters with paranormal phenomenon.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Michael Tellenger
MICHAEL TELLINGER is an author of six books, scientist and explorer, who has become a real-life Indiana Jones, making ground-breaking discoveries about advanced vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa.

His continued efforts and analytical scientific approach have produced stunning new evidence that will force us to rethink our origins and rewrite our history books.

Michael is the founder of the global UBUNTU Liberation Movement of higher consciousness and the UBUNTU Partyas a political front for this global movement, with members in over 200 countries. The UBUNTU Party participated in the South African elections on the 7thof May 2014 under his leadership – and is now also registered in the UK as a political party.

Michael's website

Dave Spinks
DAVE SPINKS has been researching and Investigating the Paranormal since 1986 in various aspects, due to several experiences he had as a young man. He retired from over a 20 year Career in the U.S. Military and Federal Law Enforcement in 2011. Since that time he has investigated the paranormal on a full time basis and has conducted several hundred investigations during his time researching the supernatural.. Dave not only investigates haunting's, he investigates reports of strange creatures as well as UFO encounters. he has investigated some of the most notoriously reportedly Haunted locations in the u.s. and several in Europe. all of this has led to numerous hair raising and unnerving encounters as one might imagine. Recently Dave purchased The infamous Haunted house known as willows weep to further his study of the phenomena related to haunting's. his sole purpose in investigating the Paranormal is to answer some of man's greatest questions. Is there life after death? Are we alone in the Universe? Are there unknown creatures walking among us? he believes there is and that alone is his motivation.

Dave has been featured on numerous syndicated radio shows, to include coast to coast am and darkness radio. He has been seen on the Discovery Network's /Destination america's " Terror in the woods" T.V. Show, He was also featured in Small Town Monsters , Movie , The Flatwoods monster " a Legacy of Fear ", Paranormal zone t.v., several local news stations just to name a few. He is often requested to be a guest at paranormal conferences as well as a guest speaker on many topics in the supernatural realm. He also contributed to the new highly successful book series , Woodknocks distributed by leprechaun productions.

Dave's Website