Tuesday • September 17
CST 9:28 | EST 10:28 | MST 8:28 | PST 7:28 | GMT 02:28
Other Non-Flash Media Players
July 13, 2014

Behind the Scenes of the Global Theater
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Richard speaks with Joel Skousen, the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news-analysis service, about some of the events unfolding on the world stage. We'll also hear from our paranormal news expert for a round-up of the unusual.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Joel Skousen

Joel Skousen is an American conservative political commentator non-fiction Survivalist author, and retreat consultant who specializes in preparedness topics, particularly survival retreat and fallout shelter design and construction, as well as in what he calls "strategic relocation." Skousen is the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news-analysis service.
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The Conspiracy Show: Paranormal News

Richard welcomes paranormal researcher and author Rosemary Ellen Guiley to discuss a selection of paranormal stories in the news: A haunted doll left blind-folded on the side of the road has Singapore residents very nervous; A mysterious world-wide hum is driving people mad; investigators in the UK say they have identified the street where Jack the Ripper lived; the guardians of a Mexican girl say she was possessed by demons after trying to communicate with her dead parents using a Ouija Board.
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