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July 10, 2016

The Disappearing Bees
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What is behind the rapid decline of the honey bee population around the world? If they go, we go! We ask an expert beekeeper for some answers. Plus, did the Globalists actually lose the Brexit vote, or is it just another level in their hidden agenda?
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: The Disappearing Bees
George Scott has been a professional beekeeper for 25 years and is an expert on chemical insecticides. He will discuss what is behind the rapid decline of the honey bee population around the world. If they go we go. Has Climate Change and excessive pesticide spraying doomed the planet? What can be done to prevent the collapse of civilization?
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The Conspiracy Show: Brexit- The Long Game
Jon Rappoport is a investigative journalist and the director of He will discuss the recent and historic Brexit Vote. Did the Globalists really lose? Or did they just go to another level of their hidden agenda? He also examine Mind Control through the information flicker effect, and the latest on the Zika virus panic. Hear how you can exit from the matrix.
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