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June 26, 2016

New Human, New Earth, New Humanity
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An exponential increase in knowledge has caused a paradigm shift from separation to unity consciousness. What will it take for humanity to collectively thrive and what will the new species and planet be like which includes community with advanced, intelligent, benevolent, life forms among other profound changes? Documentary filmmaker Lana Marconi explores these questions in her new film New Human, New Earth, New Humanity.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Paradigm Shift
New Human, New Earth, New Humanity is feature film documentary from our guest Lana Marconi, Ph.D., about the new human evolving on planet earth that is ushering in a new paradigm of living. Joining Dr. Marconi are Stan Mallow (Canada's favourite psychic), and Diane Brisebois (Raelian Spiritual Guide)
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The Conspiracy Show: Open Lines with Richard
Richard invites your calls to the program. This is your chance to be on the show and have your voice heard. Ever wonder who really runs the world but where afraid to ask? Do you know the cure for Cancer? Or Have an experience you wish to share? Ask Richard Anything!
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Watch New Human, New Earth, New Humanity
Humans are going through an awakening process. As a result, reality on earth is shifting from separation to unity consciousness. Separation within each human and between humans has been a source of humanity's suffering and the destruction of planet earth. What can humans expect to experience during this intense shift as old structures fall away and a new paradigm emerges?

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Stan Mallow
Stan has had a life long interest in and an extensive background in the field of the paranormal. For the past six years he has been the host of the popular Paranormal Show on TV Cogeco in Niagara Falls. Along with his partner, Ray Faucher, he has been organizing Canada's biggest psychic fairs and expositions for over 25 years. In addition, they do spirit photography as well as aura photography. Stan also has one of the world's largest private collections of paranormal artifacts and curiosities. A highly respected psychic consultant and ghost hunter he has been the featured guest on a number of radio and TV shows and has been written about in countless publications. Having been fortunate enough to have worked on the public relations of A-list celebrities from Broadway and Hollywood as well as Tony Awarding winning shows Stan has made many show business friends over the years; friends who actively seek out his advice relating to their career and personal life.

Stan's Website

Diane Brisebois
Diane became Raelian in 1977. After reading Rael’s book, she became involved in the Raelian Movement and became a Spiritual Guide (Priestess) in the Raelian philosophy. She has dedicated her life to bringing peace and love to Humanity. She has been teaching meditation and supporting Rael in his mission. Her dream is to welcome the Elohim in the embassy that Raelians will build for them.

Lana Marconi

Lana Marconi writes, produces and hosts healthy living television shows on Rogers TV. She also produces independent interviews. She has authored several books on healthy living that have been featured in bookstores such as Chapters and Indigo. One of her stories was included in the Wake Up And Live The Life You Love series with Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer which was a Barnes & Noble bestselling book. She has been a published writer in Canada’s Vitality Magazine and Energy Works Magazine.