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June 08, 2014

Our Secret History
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Richard welcomes an investigative journalist and New York Times-best- selling author Jim Marrs to discuss the world's most closely guarded secrets. Plus, our paranormal news roundup, and did Douglas James Cottrell conduct an energy healing miracle?
Episode Segments:
Conspiracy Show: Our Secret History

Investigative journalist and New York Times-best- selling author Jim Marrs discusses the world's most closely guarded secrets, tracing the history of clandestine societies & the power they've wielded--from the ancient mysteries to modern conspiracy theories. He gives evidence that the movers & shakers of the world collude covertly to start & stop wars, manipulate stock markets, maintain class distinctions & censor the news.
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Conspiracy Show: Energy Healing Miracle

Richard is joined in studio by world renowned medical intuitive and energy healer Douglas James Cottrell to discuss his role in the seemingly miraculous healing of radio personality George Jonescu. Then, paranormal investigator Rosemary Ellen Guiley fills us in on several fascinating paranormal stories in the news, including an investigation into the mysterious deaths of Russian college students which has led some researchers to hint the killer may have been a yeti.
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