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June 07, 2015

RFK Assasination
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June 6 marks the 47th anniversary of Senator Robert F. Kennedy's death. But who really killed Senator Kennedy? Was Sirhan Sirhan a mind controlled patsy? Then, a near-death experience unlocks a women's ability to channel. Richard talks to her about the experience and what the channeled messages have told her.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: RFK Assassination
John Koerner is an adjunct professor of American History at Erie Community College in Williamsville, N.Y. He joins Richard to discuss who killed Robert Kennedy. Was Sirhan Sirhan a mind controlled patsy? Who was pulling his strings.
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The Conspiracy Show: A Soulful Awakening
Author Stephanie Banks discusses her near-fatal accident and discovering her channeling abilities, the channeling session that informed her of her death, and the impact her channeled messages have had on others around her .
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Stephanie Banks
Stephanie Banks is an award-winning author who is quickly making her mark as an accomplished author. She was born into a family of intuitives who encouraged fostering faith in accepting guidance from within. Prior to Stephanie’s near-death experience she led a life directed by modern day terms that lacked depth and clarity. Immediately following her encounter with death her life transformed to that of an awakened soul. She has now dedicated her life to mastering ancient wisdom and writing candidly about all that she learns through this process. Her unfailing connection to the non-physical realm offers guidance and transformation to all those that seek profound insight into our existence. She lives with her family in British Colombia Canada.

Stephanie's Website