Tuesday • September 17
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May 31, 2015

The Secrets of Enoch
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After twenty-five years of research into the occult, secret societies and conspiracy theories, author R.J. Von-Bruening is read to reveal the secrets of Enoch. Then, Dr. Richard Sauter author of Hidden Bases returns to the program.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: The Secrets of Enoch
R.J. VON-BRUENING The Forbidden Knowledge of Enoch by our guest RJ Von-Bruening may be one of the most unique books ever written, for it does something no other book has ever done.

It gives you for the very first time, the hidden story that is told through the ancient, unhidden esoteric symbolism that surrounds us today, with the eye and the triangle being one of the most famous.
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The Conspiracy Show: Beyond the X-Files
Richard welcomes Dr. Richard Sauder, who is the author of HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT, which is about secret underground bases. He has experienced first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena convincing him that there is much more going on then what we are being told.
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