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May 18, 2014

Chemtrails and HAARP
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Richard interviews an independent researcher and writer who sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being "geo-engineered" to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations. Then, the next ice age can begin any day. In fact, it may already be here.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Chemtrails and HAARP

Independent researcher Eleana Freeland explains how chemtrails and ionispheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska services a full-spectrum dominance. This "Revolution in Military Affairs" needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth—from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control. How sinister are these technologies?
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The Conspiracy Show: The Coming Ice Age

Science writer Robert Felix warns a new ice age may already be upon us. He cites as evidence, an 11,500 year cycle (related to the Earth's rotational axis) in which ice ages lasting from 1,000 to 5,000 years occur like "clockwork." He suggests that extremes in weather patterns, such as the recent record breaking series of tornadoes, could be signs of the impending change.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Elana Freeland
Eleana Freeland is the author of Chemtrails, HAARP, and the "Full Spectrum Dominance" of Planet Earth. She came of political age during the COINTELPRO decade of Vietnam, street riots, political assassinations, and all-night rap sessions about the downfall of the Establishment. Researching Sub Rosa America included discovering how deeply her US Navy father was enmeshed with the very military-industrial complex she was writing about, and like the characters in the book, learning how every major event and personality in the United States political establishment over the past forty years is tied in one way or another to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas.

Elena's Book

Robert Felix
Robert Felix is a former architect, became interested in the ice-age cycle back in 1991. He spent the next eight and a half years, full-time, researching and writing about the coming ice age. He then concentrated on spreading the word. Robert's book, "Not by Fire but by Ice" has achieved international acclaim with readers around the world. Today, Felix continues his research, and is more firmly convinced than ever that the next ice age could begin any day. In fact, he believes it has already begun.

Robert's Blog