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April 27, 2014

Showdown at the Bundy Ranch
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Richard speaks with an author/journalist and conservative commentator about the ongoing saga between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and armed agents of the U.S. Government's Bureau of Land Management.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Showdown at the Bundy Ranch

WND's David Kupelian shares his thoughts about about the ongoing saga between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and armed agents of the U.S. Government's Bureau of Land Management. The stand-off began earlier this month, when the Bureau of Land Management attempted to enforce a court order and seize nearly 1,000 head of cattle raised by Bundy.
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The Conspiracy Show: Caller Line

Dan from Indianapolis called to discuss the circumstances surrounding the death of 9/11 researcher and former United Airlines pilot Phil Marshall. Richard invited callers to comment on the ongoing saga at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada where agents with the Bureau of Land Management are facing off against rancher Cliven Bundy, his family and their supporters. Richard defended Cliven Bundy against accusations that he is a racist.
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