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April 10, 2016

The Sinking of the Titanic
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The sinking of the Titanic- a tragic accident or the perfect crime? Author Patrea Patrick has traced the money, and has questions the official hearings. What if it WASN'T an iceberg that sank her?
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show- Titanic: A Perfect Crime
Richard welcomes Documentary Filmmaker, Producer, Expert on the National Grid and Published Author Patrea Patrick. They will discuss the recent search expedition which uncovers new facts and evidence about the sinking of the TITANIC. Hear how this Deep Event impacts the course of History as we approach the 104th Anniversary and ask "What if it WASN'T AN ICEBERG THAT SANK HER?".
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The Conspiracy Show: Paranormal News Roundup
Richard welcomes Rosemary Ellen Guilley, our resident pundit on the paranormal to the program to discuss the latest weird news headlines and how it affects You!
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Patrea Patrick
PATREA PATRICK has produced and directed documentaries on subjects that impact us. With her directing and writing style she has been a vocal advocate for a stable economy, accountability of Wall Street, big banks and protecting our ever fragile ecology.

She has spoken around the country on subjects that matter most to people. She is currently Director of Media Relations for the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security and the CEO of Heartfelt Films LLC a company dedicated to making documentary films and addressing social issues that affect us all. Her work in the visual platform of journalism excels in bringing us the real stories; films that help to strengthen community awareness and on a nationwide level and bring awareness on such platforms as, National Security, GMO's, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Banking, the Federal Reserve, Education, Social Security and health care. These qualifications make her a viable candidate for political office. She has always stood to get more women in politics to even the field.

As a novelist Ms. Patrick’s new novel is about the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, and the founding of the Federal Reserve, TEN DAYS ON JEKYLL ISLAND. It is an insight into the conception of the ill-fated legislation and the furtive men in power behind it. AndTITANIC: A PERFECT CRIME, is a novel that follows the money and questions official hearings that said she sank in one piece.

Patrea's Website