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March 09, 2014

Obama, Putin and World War III
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Is this the beginning of another Cold War? Richard welcomes a syndicated columnist and broadcaster to discuss the situation in Ukraine and Crimea, and the standoff between Putin and Obama. Then - the top eight reasons how and why houses become haunted.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Ukraine, Crimea and World War III

Syndicated columnist Stephen Lendman discusses the situation in Ukraine and Crimea, and the increasingly tense stand-off between Russian President Vlamimir Putin and the U.S. and it's EU and NATO allies. Is this the beginning of another Cold War? Could the situation escalate into a world war?
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The Conspiracy Show: Haunted Houses

Paranormal investigator Rosemary Ellen Guiley has compiled a list of the top eight reasons how and why houses become haunted. Surprisningly, no deaths inside the house are required for haunting activity to lodge itself inside your home.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Stephen Lendman
Stephen Lendman was born in 1934 in Boston, MA, raised in a modest middle income family, attended public schools, received a Harvard BA in 1956 and a Wharton MBA in 1960. After six years as a marketing research analyst, Lendman became part of a new small family business in 1967, remaining there until retiring in 1999. Since then, he has devoted his time to progressive causes, extensive reading, and since summer 2005 writing on vital world and national topics, including war and peace, American imperialism, corporate dominance, political persecutions, and a range of other social, economic and political issues.

Steve's Blog