February 08, 2015
Labyrinth of the Psychopath
Labyrinth of the Psychopath
Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode | ||
Thomas Sheridan Thomas is an independent alternative artist, author, satirist, musician, stand-up comic, film maker and researcher currently based in the West of Ireland. His illustrations have appeared on the covers of newsstand magazines, books and websites worldwide. Thomas's Website |
Bruce McBurney BRUCE McBURNEY is a self taught inventor, electrical and motor mechanic repairman, handy handyman according to the theory All known bacteria and viruses’ are killed by Colloidal Silver. In fact some 650 known bacteria’s are killed by Colloidal Silver. (You may want to research that yourself) But all these ugly little things in your body all have positive charges, as everything in your body works on a small amount of electric current. When you drink Colloidal Silver (which is a negitive charge) it is attracted to these positive charges in your body “the bad guys”. If the particles size is smaller than .05 micron’s your colloidal generator makes the particle size 100 to 1000 times smaller than .05 microns, that allows this Colloidal Silver to go straight to the positive charge wherever it may be inside of you. HIMAC Research |