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January 05, 2014

The Illuminati and the Music Industry
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A media analyst contends the Illuminati is influencing the music industry. He details how some of today's hottest stars use esoteric symbols and song lyrics to push the secret society's agenda. Then, the man with the X-Ray eyes gives us his predictions for 2014.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: The Illuminati's Control Over the Music Industry

According to our guest Mark Dice, the Illuminati are an extension of the ancient mystery schools and form a modern elite ruling class bent on dominating every aspect of society. Illuminati idols have infested pop music with messages promoting pure evil, materialism, sexual debauchery, drug use and other destructive behaviors, he continued, noting how it has poisoned the collective mind of the masses and damaged society's moral compass.
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The Conspiracy Show: Visions of 2014

Richard welcomes world renowned remote viewer and intuitive Douglas James Cottrell who will reveal what is in store for the world in the coming year. Tune in and learn what we can expect in the fields of Earth Changes, Geopolitics, The Economy, Advances in Medicine, Technological Innovations and Energy.
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