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January 06, 2013

Television Network News as Mind Control
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An investigative journalist to discuss how TV Network News is used by the corporatacracy to brainwash and dumb down the public. Then - can science explain the unexplainable? A professor of mathematics explains his theories.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: TV News as Mind Control

Veteran investigative journalist Jon Rappoport believes TV Network News is beining used by the corporatacracy to brainwash and dumb down the public. He'll also discuss how the Network News use tragic events such as the Aurora Theater Shooting and the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School to further their globalist agenda.
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The Conspiracy Show: Can Science Explain the Unexplainable?

Richard welcomes James D. Stein, a professor of mathematics to discuss his argument for the existence of supernatural phenomena based on the mathematics and science discovered during the last century. Scientists are generally highly skeptical of the existence of ESP, ghosts, communication with the dead and telekinesis because of the rigorous documentation that science requires. Nevertheless, many great scientists have believed, and do believe, in the supernatural.
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