Saturday • February 15
CST 1:08 | EST 2:08 | MST 12:08 | PST 11:08 | GMT 19:08
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Pakistan in Turmoil
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Following the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, the situation in Pakistan has gone from bad to worse; National elections have been postponed, US foreign policy strategists are rethinking our policy, and President Pervez Musharraf has had little success fighting terrorism in the Northwest Frontier. Dave welcomes Daniel Markey from the Council on Foreign Relations, to discuss what may happen next with this embattled nation, and why Pakistan has been unable to achieve stability since its founding sixty years ago. Then Dave takes a glimpse into the future of technology and its impact on Mankind with Futurist Dr. Michael Zay.
Episode Segments:
The Assassination of Benazir Bhutto
Daniel Markey, a senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, joins Dave to discuss the aftermath of the death of Benazir Bhutto; who may have been behind it, the mistakes made in the investigation, and President Musharrafs deflection of blame. Plus Daniel explains the structure of Pakistans political system.
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The Northwest Frontier
Pakistans Northwest Frontier is a province where President Musharraf has no authority; it is governed by Tribal Rule. Daniel Markey explains why there are basically two Pakistans because of this, and why the NWFP allows terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda to thrive.
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The Choice Between Secular Democracy and The Dictates of Islam
Dave and Daniel discuss the future of Pakistans government; can a democracy exist without the influence of the Islamic fate. Plus - will the new American President-elect be able to fix the situation there, or would we be better off shifting focus back to Afghanistan?
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Futurist Dr. Michael Zey
Dave is joined by Futurist Dr. Michael Zey, who explains what a futurist is and does, why mankind is knocking on the door of immortality, and why our presidential candidates would be better off promising progress rather than change.
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Expanding our Lifespan
People are living longer and healthier thanks to scientific advances, which, as Dr. Zey explains, are causing people to rethink the way they are living in their so-called retirement years. Plus - advances in robotics could soon bring about some major changes in Japanese industries such as healthcare.
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How Much is Too Much
Technology has done wonders for mankind, but it may be impacting our youth in some negative ways, especially in areas of social interaction. Dave & Dr. Zey discuss that, and how we may not be ready for some of the new technologies that could soon appear.
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Links to Related Websites:
Order The Future Factor At!
As the third millennium begins, technological breakthroughs provide unprecedented opportunities for growth, profitability and organizational and personal reinvention. However, to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate future developments before competitors and peers do, leaders, companies and individuals must be equipped with the capacity to make informed decisions. In The Future Factor, Michael Zey paints a big picture of new forces that are subtly impacting society and the global economy and changing forever the way we live.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Daniel Markey
DANIEL MARKEY is a senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations. His areas of specialization are security and governance in South Asia, international conflict, theories of international relations, and U.S. foreign policy. From 2003 to 2007, he held the South Asia portfolio on the Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State. Prior to government service, Dr. Markey taught courses on U.S. foreign policy and theories of international relations in the Politics Department at Princeton University and served as the executive director of Princeton’s Research Program in International Security. In 2000 and 2001, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Olin Institute for Strategic Studies. His academic research focused on prestige politics and international conflict. He received a PhD from Princeton University’s Department of Politics and a BA in international studies from Johns Hopkins University.

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Michael Zey
DR. MICHAEL ZEY is the author of the recently published “Ageless Society,” “The Future Factor: Forces Transforming Human Destiny,” as well as “Seizing the Future: The Dawn of the Macro industrial Era,” and several other books. Dr. Zey’s controversial and original views on social and techno-trends have appeared in the LA Times, Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, The Providence Journal, Entrepreneur, The Sacramento Bee, The Dallas Morning News, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and XM Satellite’s USAToday/Newstalk station. He has been an invited guest on Fox News, PBS’s Nightly Business Report and ABC’s 20/20. Michael Zey serves as Executive Director of the Expansionary Institute, is a Full Professor at Montclair State University, NJ, and consults to corporations and government agencies.

Click Here to Visit His Website