Saturday • February 15
CST 11:08 | EST 12:08 | MST 10:08 | PST 9:08 | GMT 17:08
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Not Wheres the Beef, but Whats in the Beef?
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In mid-February, 143 million pounds of ground beef was recalled - the largest meat recall in US History. So before you take a bite out of that hamburger, ask yourself a couple of questions where did the hamburger meat come from, and how healthy was the cow that was chopped up to make the ground beef? Well hear from a representative from the Humane Society; the organization whose undercover investigation lead to the recall, as well as from a food safety expert who will discuss the effectiveness of the recall. Plus a car that gets 100 miles to the gallon and a majority of the US getting its energy from solar power. It could happen and sooner than you might think.
Episode Segments:
Uncovering the Cruelty
Dave welcomes Paul Shapiro, the senior director of the Humane Societys Factory Farming Campaign. Paul discusses the undercover investigation that led to the nationwide beef recall, the animal cruelty that was uncovered, and how it was happening right under the noses of on-site veterinarians and the USDA.
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The USDAs Role
Dave and Paul discuss the USDA, and how much they actually know about what is going on in our meat processing plants. They also discuss if what happened in California was an exception to the rule, or if similar things are happening around the country. Paul makes some suggestions on how these problems can be fixed.
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How Safe is our Beef?
Jean Halloran, Director of Food Policy Initiatives for Consumers Union, talks about the beef recall, and how effective it actually was, and how much problem beef could still be out in the marketplace. She also talks about why the USDA and the consumer need to be concerned about this issue, and brings up some of the unanswered questions this recall has brought up.
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The 100 MPG Car
Daves guest is Kevin Smith, team leader of Illuminati Motor Works. Kevin and his team is competing for the Automotive X Prize, which is all about building practical and clean cars that will achieve 100 miles per gallon. And Kevin says the technology is there to make 100 MPG a reality.
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Building and Marketing the 100 MPG Car
Kevin and Dave talk more about the Automotive X competition, and the criteria for winning the 10 Million dollar prize. Kevin also give more detail on Illuminatis car, including its technical specs, the types of fuel it uses, and companies that might be interested in the technology.
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A Solar Powered Future
Dr. David Mills is Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer for Ausra, a company that is developing deploys utility-scale solar technologies. He discusses the needs for cleaner and cheaper forms of energy, how solar power has moved beyond simple solar panels, how this technology can still be used in low-sun areas of the country, and the challenge of convincing Washington DC that this is the future of energy.
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Links to Related Websites:
Illuminati Motor Works Official Site
Find out how you can get involved with Kevin Smith and the Illuminati Motor Works team in their quest to capture the Automotive X PRIZE by building the 100 Miles per Gallon Car.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Jean Halloran
Halloran has also served on the staffs of the Council on Economic Priorities and of Harper's Magazine. Jean Halloran received her B.A. with Honors from Swarthmore College. She resides in Brooklyn, New York.

Click Here to Visit His Website

David Mills
Dr. David Mills is Founder, Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer for Ausra,which develops and deploys solar thermal power technology for utility companies. Mills is known worldwide for pioneering Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector technology and for his work in non-imaging optics, solar thermal energy, and PV systems over 32 years. His lab at the University of Sydney developed and licensed the evacuated-tube solar water heater technology, which comprises 60 percent of the world's solar collectors and is used widely throughout China for distribution of low cost domestic hot water. A solar sterilizer design he originated won a World Health Organization award in 2002, and he was a finalist in the 2002 World Technology Awards for Energy. Mills is a former president of the International Solar Energy Society and served as inaugural chair of the International Solar Cities Initiative. Mills has published and refereed numerous academic reports and articles on solar energy in such publications as The Journal of Solar Energy and Applied Optics.

Click Here to Visit His Website

Paul Shapiro
Paul Shapiro is the senior director of the Factory Farming Campaign. He has spearheaded numerous successful campaigns to improve the plight of farm animals, most notably several campaigns to persuade retailers to stop selling battery cage eggs. Shapiro is also the founder and former campaigns director for Compassion Over Killing, where he helped lead campaigns such as the successful effort to end the use of the misleading "Animal Care Certified" logo on battery cage egg cartons nationwide. At Compassion Over Killing, he worked also as a farm animal cruelty investigator, primarily documenting conditions on egg and broiler factory farms, livestock auctions and slaughter plants. Shapiro has been interviewed by dozens of media outlets, including The New York Times, The Baltimore Sun, The Washington Post, USA Today, Fox New Channel and CNN. He has published dozens of articles about animal welfare in publications ranging from daily newspapers to academic journals. Shapiro received a bachelor's degree in peace studies from George Washington University.

Click Here to Visit His Website