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February 01, 2013

Emptying the Nest
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Is the empty nest becoming a thing of the past? The world has dramatically changed in recent years and millions of 20-somethings are still living with their parents. We examine the trend and the reason behind it. Then, its a crime thats easy to commit. Too easy. Shoppers buy online, then claim they never got the order. We have the details. And, tips on getting organized.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Stuck in the Nest

Many young adults are struggling to get on their feet, and are often living at home with their parents much longer than what used to be considered normal. Family psychologist Brad E. Sachs , author of Emptying the Nest discussed this trend and the complex reasons behind it. He also outlined several ways that parents can encourage independence and self-reliance, to help their children.
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InfoTrak: Friendly Fraud

A new crime is rapidly increasing in popularity. Its called friendly fraud, where shoppers buy items online, then claim they never got the order. , Julie Fergerson , a well-known expert in the field of fighting online fraud explained why the crime is so easy to commit, and why it is so hard for online merchants to prevent. She explained hidden incentives that encourage banks to ignore the problem.
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InfoTrak: Students and the First Amendment

Kenneth Dautrich, PhD, Associate Professor of Public Policy, University of Connecticut conducted a survey of students to learn their attitudes toward the First Amendment. He found that schools are spending more class time on the First Amendment, but a sizable number of students either do not view the First Amendment favorably or take its protections for granted.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Brad Sachs
Dr. Brad Sachs is a psychologist, educator, consultant and best-selling author specializing in clinical work with children, adolescents, couples, and families, in Columbia, Maryland, and the Founder and Director of The Father Center, a program designed to meet the needs of new, expectant, and experienced fathers.

Dr. Sachs' website

Julie Fergerson
Julie Fergerson is considered one of the e-retailing industry's foremost experts on Internet fraud with over 25 years of Internet experience. She spent six years at IBM holding various management and technical positions before co-founding ClearCommerce Corp. in 1995 and then providing the technical inspiration and expertise that established it as a leading Internet payments provider and fraud prevention resource. Julie joined eFunds when that company acquired ClearCommerce in January 2005. She left eFunds in April 2006 to join Debix, where she is responsible for developing patent-pending fraud detection technology. In addition to these accomplishments, Julie also worked to create the non-profit organization Merchant Risk Council. The MRC is considered the retail industry's largest organization for helping organizations fight fraud. She has served on the board of the MRC since its inception and has been its Co-Chairman for the past three years.

Identity Theft resource center

Ken Dautrich
Professor Ken Dautrich is in the Department of Public Policy at the University of Connecticut. He is author of American Government: Historical, Popular and Global Perspectives (Wadsworth, 2008), The Future of the First Amendment (Roman and Littlefield, 2008), The First Amendment and the Media in the Court of Public Opinion (Cambridge University Press, 2002), and How the News Media Fail the American Voter (Columbia University Press, 1999), as well as many other books, articles, and book chapters on elections, public opinion and voting. He is founder and former director of the Center for Survey Research and Analysis at the University of Connecticut, and has been a senior research fellow at the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development (Rutgers University) and a research fellow at the Media Studies Center (Columbia University and the Freedom Forum). He established the Masters in Survey Research (MSR) degree program at the University of Connecticut, and teaches courses in survey research and polling. He has directed a number of national polls on voting in presidential elections, including a series of polls for TIME Magazine on the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections. He has been an election night exit poll analyst at NBC News, and provides commentary on the presidential election process for WNPR. He has conducted an annual survey on the “State of the First Amendment” for the First Amendment Center since 1997. From a grant from the Knight Foundation, Ken is currently doing research and writing a manuscript assessing young people’s orientations toward the First Amendment. Ken is also a policy advisor to Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell. His Ph.D. is from Rutgers University.

Professor Dautrich's website