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December 01, 2012

Delayed Retirement
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At the end of a long career, most look forward to retirement. But millions may soon be asked to postpone retirement for a few more years. Then, the shocking true story of an abused spouse who finally speaks out, and what you hear might surprise you. And why AP courses in High School may be able to save you big money on college tuition.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Increasing the Early Retirement Age
Age 62 is the most common age of retirement. But Andrew Biggs, PhD, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and former principal deputy commissioner of the Social Security Administration explained why he believes that the early retirement age should be raised to 65. He explained how this simple change would raise the average income of a future retiree by $7500 per year, while helping the economy and the federal budget.
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InfoTrak: Victory Over Violence
Nancy Salamone was a well-respected Wall Street executive who was also the victim of decades of domestic abuse. She said although she was her family’s breadwinner, her husband controlled the family finances and used money as yet another tool of abuse and control. She talked about the challenges women face in exiting an abusive relationship and offered advice on how to break free. Her new book is Victory Over Violence - Nancy’s Story and The Business of Me
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InfoTrak: Advocating AP for Students
Maggie Cary, National Board Certified Teacher and founder of says parents of high school students can save thousands of dollars in college costs if their child takes Advanced Placement courses in high school. She explained who is eligible for the classes and how prospective students can determine if a college accepts the credits.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Nancy Salamone
Nancy Salamone is an author and gifted speaker with a compelling, powerful message. She is an advocate against domestic violence who believes that knowledge about personal money management brings confidence and self-sufficiency to life. She is the author of the landmark financial self-sufficiency program The Business of Me. Nancy will soon release "The Business of Me, Theory-Concepts-Philosophy in the autumn. Her new book is titled Victory Over Violence - Nancy’s Story and The Business of Me will be published in July. For more than three decades Nancy has shown extraordinary leadership during her business career and through her personal endeavors. Her accomplishments include 25 years as an executive for major Wall Street financial services companies, her devotion to “giving back” through her non-profit work, her teaching and her visionary creation of “The Business of Me”, a program that teaches financial self-sufficiency to women survivors of domestic violence so that they too can lead the independent life they choose..

Nancy's Website

Andrew Biggs
Andrew Biggs is a former Social Security analyst and Assistant Director of the Cato Institute's Project on Social Security Choice. Prior to joining Cato he was Director of Research at the Congressional Institute in Washington, D.C. (where he remains a Fellow), and a staff member for the House Banking and Financial Services Committee. He holds a Bachelor's degree from the Queen's University of Belfast, Master's from Cambridge University and Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2001 Biggs served as a staff member for the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security, and in 2002 he was appointed by the Bush administration as a delegate to the National Summit on Retirement Savings and addressed the United Nations International Conference on Financing for Development. He has been published or quoted in the New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Investors Business Daily, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNN, CNNfn, Fox News Channel, Bloomberg Television, National Review, and others.

Read Andrew's Blog

Maggie Cary
Maggie Cary, a National Board Certified Teacher has been an educator for over 20 years. She is certified in Secondary Education and holds a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. Over the years she has mentored countless teachers and advised hundreds of parents. Mrs. Cary has taught children from preschool through high school. She is the mother of two young adults and lives and teaches in Florida. Over the years she has individually answered a myriad of questions from parents concerning a wide range of issues. She decided that a blog would be a good way to share her knowledge and experience with parents of school-aged children.