Crucial Skills to Teach Your Children & Are America’s Financial Gurus Leading You Astray?
Episode Segments:
Crucial Skills to Teach Your Children Parents, are you ready to help your child develop the skills they need for lifelong success? Peg Dawson, author of "Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential, Second Edition" joins us with game=changing insights and strategies for parents.
Are America’s Financial Gurus Leading You Astray? If you're planning for retirement, are there hidden flaws in the advice you're getting? It may be costing you more than you think, according to David McKnight, author of "The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray, and How to Get Back on Track."
Plastic Bags and the Environment Do plastic bag bans actually help the environment? The answer may surprise you! Hai Che, PhD, Marketing Professor at the University of California, Riverside, shares his findings.