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May 18, 2024

Smart Career Advice for Young Americans & Reasons Behind Widespread Drug Shortages
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Episode Segments:
Smart Career Advice for Young Americans
Compared to the prime years of the baby boomers, the job market for today's young people is drastically different. What do 20-and 30-year-olds need to learn about careers and money management that isn't being taught in schools? And why is ageism the last form of workplace bigotry still OK? Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at the NYU Stern School of Business, author of "The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security," offers wise advice.
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Reasons Behind Widespread Drug Shortages
Pharmaceutical drugs are vital for the health of Americans, but recently, supplies have fallen to an all time low. Erin R. Fox, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP, Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer, University of Utah Health, explains what drugs are most affected and what healthcare consumers need to know.
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Lifesaving Advice About Weather Warnings
Severe weather can hit any time, and understanding weather watches and warnings can literally save lives. But a new study finds a shocking number of Americans are confused by the alerts. Cory L. Armstrong, PhD, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, Lawrence L. and Ruth E. Pike Professor in Journalism at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, explains what can be done to improve the public's understanding of severe weather watches and warnings.
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