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May 04, 2024

How Do Changing Households Affect Kids' Language Development & Alcohol's Effect on Crime
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Episode Segments:
How Do Changing Households Affect Kids' Language Development
A child's language development is affected by the adults in the home, and households with extended families are more common nowadays. Mandy Maguire, Associate Professor of Speech, Language, and Hearing, Director of the Center for Children and Families at the University of Texas at Dallas, says as US demographics have changed, children's language abilities have changed, too.
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Alcohol's Effect on Crime
When a crime-ridden neighborhood in Baltimore put a limit on alcohol sales, the results were dramatic and surprising! David H. Jernigan, PhD, Professor of Health Law, Policy & Management at the Boston University School of Public Health, shares the results and how it may be useful in other cities.
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Decluttering Your Subscriptions
How many subscriptions are you paying for each month? They add up, and 67% of us have been hit with at least one price increase in a subscription in the past year. Nick Wolny, Managing Editor of CNET explains why most of us could benefit by decluttering our subscriptions.
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