Plastics--the Hidden Ingredient in Your Diet & Creating Safer Conditions for Pedestrians
Episode Segments:
Plastics--the Hidden Ingredient in Your Diet & Creating Safer Conditions for Pedestrians Plasticizers--used to make plastic more flexible and more durable--are so widely used that today, they show up inside almost every American’s body. We’ll talk with Jim Rogers, PhD, Director of Food Safety Research and Testing, Acting Head of Product Safety Testing at Consumer Reports, where tests found that nearly all foods contain these chemicals, often at very high levels.
Creating Safer Conditions for Pedestrians When a car hits a pedestrian, who is most often blamed? It turns out the real fault may belong to the road designer, according to Harvey Miller, PhD, Professor of Geography at Ohio State University. Prof. Miller explains what needs to change.
Scams Targeting Older Americans It's a shocking number: $28 billion money lost by older Americans each year due to financial scams, much of it stolen by friends or relatives. Marilyn Horta, PhD, Research Scientist in the Social-Cognitive and Affective Development Lab in the Department of Psychology at the University of Florida, explains how seniors can protect themselves.