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November 11, 2023

Avoiding a Mistaken Medical Diagnosis & Is Your Water Safe?
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Episode Segments:
Avoiding a Mistaken Medical Diagnosis
Not all diseases are easy to diagnose. In fact, hundreds of thousands of Americans die or face permanent disability each year due to diagnostic errors. David Newman-Toker, M.D., PhD, Lead Investigator and Director of the Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute Center for Diagnostic Excellence explains what diseases have the highest error rates and steps patients can take to avoid diagnostic errors.
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Is Your Water Safe to Drink?
A recent study found that a shocking number of water sources contain toxic contaminants. Johnnye Lewis, PhD, Professor Emerita in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of New Mexico Health Sciences, Co-Director of Community Environmental Health Program, Director of the UNM METALS Superfund Research Program, outlines the seven most common contaminants and what you need to know about your city's water supply.
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The ABCs of EV Charging.
7.9% of cars sold in the US in the third quarter of 2023 were electric vehicles. Tom Appel, Publisher of Consumer Guide Automotive, co-host of the Consumer Guide Car Stuff podcast, outlines what consumers need to know about the three levels of EV charging currently available, and the pluses and minuses of each.
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