A Four-Day Workweek and How Schools Can Prevent Teen Suicide
Episode Segments:
A Four-Day Workweek Does a four-day workweek with a five-day paycheck sound like a dream to you? It's becoming a reality at hundreds of businesses, with positive results for both employees and companies. Juliet B. Schor, PhD, Professor of Sociology, Boston College, shares her landmark international study of the trend.
How Schools Can Prevent Teen Suicide Tragically, suicide death rates have risen substantially among adolescents in the US. Deepa L. Sekhar, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Penn State College of Medicine, Executive Director of Penn State PRO Wellness, says improved screening at schools could lower the risk
Statins Stamp Out Exercise? It seems that there are many paradoxes related to our health, and here's one of the latest: statin drugs, which are prescribed to lower cholesterol, have prevented millions of heart attacks, but a study by John P. Thyfault, PhD, Professor of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, Director of the Health Activity Center at the University of Missouri, found that these meds may also counteract the benefits of exercise.