Daily Routines Can Slow Aging & Digital Safety for Kids
Episode Segments:
Daily Routines Can Slow Aging? Recent research shows that regular activity not only helps older adults enjoy life more, but it improves their scores on cognitive tests. We'll talk to Stephen Smagula, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh,
who found that having a daily routine results in healthier aging.
Digital Safety for Kids Kids are getting digital devices at surprisingly young ages. Catherine Pearlman, PhD, Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of Massachusetts Global, licensed clinical social worker, author of "First Phone: A Child's Guide to Digital Responsibility, Safety, and Etiquette,"
shares tips to help keep kids safe and avoid social media mistakes.
Digital Eye Strain is on the Rise Are your eyes feeling tired? Digital eyestrain is affecting people of all ages, but James S W Wolffsohn, PhD, Professor of Optometry at Aston University in Birmingham, England,
has some helpful advice.