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January 22, 2022

Adoptee Reunions, Pressures on Girls Like Never Before & a National Blood Crisis
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Episode Segments:
Adoptee Reunions
Modern technology such as DNA tests and online genealogy databases can change lives in dramatic ways. Many adoptees now have the means to locate long-lost parents and siblings. Sometimes the reunions are joyful; other times not so much. We'll talk with Julia Brewer Daily, author of “No Names to Be Given,” a novel based on her real-life story of adoption, to learn about the emotional landmines that sometimes accompany attempted reunions.
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Pressures on Girls Like Never Before
Then, growing up today as a teenage girl is fraught with challenges, including more stress and pressure than ever before. We'll talk with Lisa Hinkelman, PhD, counselor, founder and CEO of Ruling Our eXperiences, Inc., author of “Girls Without Limits: Helping Girls Succeed in Relationships, Academics, Careers and Life”, who says eight hours per day of social media exposure has had a profound effect on girls, one that parents can scarcely relate to.
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National Blood Crisis
And, the American Red Cross has declared a national blood crisis for the first time in its history. David C. Mair, MD, Medical Director of the American Red Cross outlines the reasons behind this urgent problem, and how you can help.
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