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January 08, 2022

Women's Competitiveness & Fixing Your Finances
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Episode Segments:
Women's Competitiveness & the Gender Wage Gap
A researcher studying America's gender wage gap examined the recent theory that women may be less competitive and take fewer risks than men. Alessandra Cassar, PhD, Professor of Economics at the University of San Francisco, shares her fascinating findings.
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Fixing Your Finances
Can you use help managing your money? Podcaster Joe Saul-Sehy, author of “Stacked: Your Super-Serious Guide to Modern Money Management,” joins us with tips to avoid money mistakes and dig yourself out of debt.
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Youth Sports & Boys' Mental Health
Recent research found that boys who participated in sports in early ages had less depression and anxiety in mid childhood. Marie-Josee Harbec, PhD, psycho educator at CHU Ste-Justine Children's Hospital in Montreal outlines her findings and the possible reasons that sports participation can be so effective.
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