Saturday • February 15
CST 1:49 | EST 2:49 | MST 12:49 | PST 11:49 | GMT 19:49
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Rene's Search for Answers
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Episode Segments:
Rene's Search for Answers
As we enter the weeks of family gatherings and giving thanks, Rene' shares her personal refection on why she began this podcast. Rene' has recently resigned her membership from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints commonly known as Mormon. Historical truths recently discovered and made available to the public have caused cognitive dissonance and confusion among some members of the church concerning doctrine and policies. Joseph Smith, the founder of the organization and self proclaimed prophet, actually practiced polygamy, illegal at this time, and married women as young as 14. This information and much more prompted Rene' to search for more answers. Acknowledging the role of women in the church was the call to action to tell the women, "Go Gray Dame."
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