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October 30, 2021

Living with Autism & the Most and Least Valuable College Degrees
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Episode Segments:
Living with Autism
What's it like to live with autism? We'll get the personal story of journalist Eric Garcia, author of “We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation,” who says there are far too many misconceptions about autism.
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The Most and Least Valuable College Degrees
The choice of a college major can have lifelong financial effects. We'll learn the results of a study that ranked the most and least valuable college majors, from analyst Sarah Foster.
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Facebook: Good or Bad Mental Nutrition?
Have you considered whether Facebook improves your life or makes it worse? We'll talk with Elaine Parke, author of “The Habits of Unity: 12 Months to a Stronger America…One Citizen at a Time,” who says we all need to re-evaluate the "Mental Nutrition" we consume daily, both online and off.
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